Soul Food

One of the things I love, love, love to do is EAT. I love good food. And I particularly love soul food. It’s the food I grew up on. It’s the food that fills my belly and warms my heart. Give me some collard greens, mac and cheese, fried fish (and yes that would be the croaker with the head still attached), turkey wings and gravy, black-eyed peas, fried chicken, grits, some yeast rolls, hushpuppies and anything drenched in butter and you will have one happy girl!

These are the foods that comfort me. That remind me of home. The foods I go to when I’m sad and that I turn to in celebration. The foods that pick me up when I’m down and seemingly right my topsy-turvy world. These are also the foods that contribute to my expanding waist, clogged arteries, lethargy, and well just feels of “blah-ness.” And when I developed food allergies (too many too name, and quite depressing actually) and varying health challenges, I had to change the way I ate. And I did it. And physically, I feel so much better. But I felt like I got booted out of my “happy place”. I still longed to be comforted (and I’m sorry. I like Brussel sprouts and all, but they do not and cannot compare to a juicy cheeseburger and fries). I missed commiserating with friends over apple cobbler and ice cream. My body was being made whole, yet my soul continued to feel empty.

And then it hit me. I was longing for the wrong kind of soul food. See the smothered chicken wasn’t really making me feel good. It was simply providing me a temporary high while masking my underlying need. It isn’t the sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows that I needed, it’s was a deeper, more meaningful connection with the sustainer of my soul. Everything I need can be found in Him.

My Comforter – 2 Corinthians 1:3

My Sustainer – Isaiah 46:4

My Hope – Psalm 39:7

My Portion Control – Lamentation 3:24

My Joy – Proverbs 10:28

My Strength – Isaiah 40:29

Filled Abundantly – John 10:10

My Satisfaction – Isaiah 58:11

It is my prayer that my nourishment comes from doing the will of God and from finishing his work (John 4:34). Lord, be the food that nourishes my soul.

Bible Verse:

Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts (Jeremiah 15:16, ESV).