Jet Lagged

I’m baaaack and I wish I had some adventurous, titillating reason for my absence, but truth be told, I’m just now recovering from the longest jet-lag ever!

Many of you may know that I spent three weeks in Guam, Saipan and three Micronesian Islands – Kosrae, Majuro, and Pohnpei. This was one of the most trying trips for me and it left me drained – physically and emotionally. I crossed I don’t know how many time zones, flew at odd hours of the day and night, skipped a Sunday, had two Thursdays, encountered mold and dust and humidity (not necessarily conducive to my asthmatic self), and tossed gluten, soy and  corn allergies out the window. I also met some of the nicest, most sincere and hospitable people ever. Those who had very little, were willing to share what little they had. And I experienced feelings of hopelessness and hope, fear and trust, emptiness and inspiration. I’m so grateful for the experience and was never happier to return home.

Usually I take a day or so to recoup. This time, however, it’s taken weeks for me to feel myself again. It’s been frustrating not knowing the source of my problem. I just couldn’t seem to pull it together.

And then it hit me. I was experiencing jet lag, which is defined as a condition that results as consequence of alterations to circadian rhythms due to long hours of travel. My rhythm was off and I was out of sync.

Hmmmm… Maybe it’s also possible to experience spiritual jet lag. Maybe some of my brain fog and feelings of restlessness and discontent have more to do with my life’s rhythm no longer being in sync with Christ. Reminds me of the story found in Matthew 14. Peter was eager to walk on water and God beckoned him to come. While Peter kept his focus on Christ, he did the impossible. But Peter soon became overly confident in his ability to walk on the water. And as soon as he shifted his focus away from Christ and looked down to check out his walk across the water, he began to sink.

When you’re feeling out of sorts, no longer dancing on beat, perhaps you’re spiritually jet lagged and in need of getting back in rhythm with Christ. Here are a few helpful tips for overcoming spiritual jet-lag:

  • Before you go, begin to function in the time zone in which you’re headed: One travel tip is to set your watch to the time of your destination as soon as you get on the plane. Spiritually speaking, we should keep heaven, our ultimate destination, in view. We should live, move and have our being in Christ, with our eyes on heaven (Revelation 7:13-17).
  • Drink plenty of water: Water keeps you hydrated. To prevent spiritual jet lag, drink of the water that Christ will give you and shall never thirst again as the water that Christ gives will become in you a well of water springing up to eternal life (John 4:14).
  • Keep moving: Moving regularly keeps the blood flowing. Spiritually speaking, Godly exercise is profitable for all things (I Timothy 4:8). Pray often and live a life patterned after Christ.
  • Eat right: The effects of alcohol and fried, greasy foods at altitude will increase tiredness and cause dehydration. You can also become spiritually dehydrated if you don’t feast on the Word of God daily (Jeremiah 15:16).

So, I’m back in the groove now, waltzing in-step with Christ and I pray that you find your rhythm, one in which God leads, you follow and experience joy forevermore!

From My Heart to Yours, Davenia